Opposition welcomes WA Labor Government’s 11th hour commitment to states run-down health system

Aug 8, 2021 | Libby Mettam MLA, WA Labor

The WA Opposition has welcomed WA Labor’s 11th hour commitment of $1.9bill in funding for health and mental health staff and services and the Government’s recognition, finally, that our health system is in crisis.

“After running down the health system in its first term, we have a health system which is on its knees,” Shadow Health Minister Libby Mettam said.

“The Government had no choice but to make this announcement after their mismanagement was condemned by key health advocates and protests by health workers who feared for patient safety.

“This investment, particularly the recruitment of additional health workers must happen now, not years down the track, otherwise more lives will be put at risk.

“Despite the announcement of a nursing recruitment campaign in April, several months later we have a program which is still in its infancy – which is just not good enough given the chronic shortage of nurses.

“WA is now desperately playing catch up, despite record iron ore revenues to the State, highlighting a Labor Government that has been asleep at the wheel since coming to office.”
