Three years late and still waiting for Carers Recognition Act Review Report

Nov 17, 2021 | Donna Faragher MLC, State News

The outcome of the review into the Carers Recognition Act 2004 that commenced in 2018 is now well overdue and it is time it was released by the McGowan Labor Government.

Shadow Minister for Community Services Donna Faragher said concerns had been raised with her about the significant delay in the release of the review report into the Act.

“In May 2018, Minister McGurk committed to completing the review by the end of that same year and this has clearly not happened.

“The Premier subsequently stated in a letter before the 2021 State Election the review had been completed and a report had been provided to the Minister for Communities yet in an answer to a parliamentary question in the Legislative Council, I was advised the Department had only recently provided the report to Minister McGurk.

“When questioned further, the government stated the report was provided to the Minister on 8 October 2021 but her office had received a “draft” copy of the report prior to the 2021 State Election.

“Either way, the release of the report and the outcome of the review is now unacceptably late and well after the originally stated completion date of the end of 2018.

“There is strong interest in the release of this report and the Minister should table it without any further delay,” Mrs Faragher said.

The Carers Recognition Act 2004 provides for the recognition of carers in the Western Australian community. It includes the Carers Charter, which outlines how carers are to be treated and how they are to be involved in delivering services that impact on them and the role of carers.
