Tier 3 business case development off the rails

Nov 23, 2021 | State News, Steve Thomas MLC

The Shadow Treasurer Dr Steve Thomas has raised concerns that the opportunity to address the Tier 3 rail line question is being lost as the State Government dithers on developing the appropriate business cases.

“I have been asking for updates on the business cases for six months now, and all the Government can tell me is that their development is ongoing ” Dr Thomas said.

“In September 2020 the Transport Minister Rita Saffioti announced the business cases would be developed, and fourteen months later we are none the wiser as to their content or even when they will appear.”

Dr Thomas said that the submission of the business cases to Infrastructure Australia was time critical given the impending federal election.

“If the State Labor Government is no doubt intending to seek significant federal investment if the lines are to be reopened, and time is running out for the submission of the business cases before the election” Dr Thomas said. “Major spending decisions will be rolling out early next year, and if the business cases have not even been submitted there is little chance of the projects proceeding in the near to medium future.”

“If the McGowan Government is actually serious about these projects the business cases would have been finished months ago. The answers I am getting suggest the Government is half hearted at best.”

“If the McGowan Government has gone soft on their support of these projects they need to tell us all now, and we can all focus on what alternatives should be pursued to improve the logistics and safety of the regional transport network like road investment across the state.”

“Those business cases should have been completed, assessed and submitted by now. This is rapidly turning into a Labor Party snow job.”
