Petition shows strong community response to Robinson Road closure

The Opposition has tabled a petition today, signed by more than 4,600 concerned locals who are calling for continued access to Robinson Road in Bellevue.

Member for East Metropolitan Region Donna Faragher had worked with community members and local businesses to enable the petition to be presented to the State Parliament on their behalf.

“The petition demonstrates the community’s very strong concern with the McGowan Labor Government’s decision to close the road as a result of the Bellevue Rail Car Manufacturing and Assembly Facility,” Mrs Faragher said.

“The community’s response confirms that while they welcome the facility, there are issues with the road’s closure for local businesses and residents, traffic congestion and commuting times.

“Given the impact on the surrounding road network, the petitioners are calling on the Government to prepare an Integrated Transport Plan that involves an overarching review of the whole area.

“The Plan should involve input from all stakeholders including relevant state and local government authorities as well as local residents and business groups.

“The Opposition hopes the Labor Government will take the concerns that have been presented seriously and put in some solid work to address them.”

Shadow Transport Minister Shane Love said the Bellevue Residents and Ratepayers Association and local businesses had advocated strongly for an alternative solution to the closure of the road.

“The State Government has decided to shut down Robinson Road to make way for the Bellevue Rail Car Manufacturing and Assembly Facility, but locals have told us they feel like they are not being listened to by Labor,” Mr Love said.

“The residents and business groups welcome the facility, as does the Opposition, but the Labor Government needs to recognize, acknowledge and consider the significant matters being raised.

“It is not just petitioners who are worried, local government authorities including the City of Swan and the Shire of Mundaring have also raised concerns about the impact of the road closure.

“While the Government is proposing some minor improvements to key intersections, it’s clear a more integrated transport plan should be undertaken to ensure local businesses and residents are not unfairly impacted.”

Bellevue Residents and Ratepayers Association Chair Mark Richards thanked the Opposition for tabling the petition and said he hoped this would spark progress in keeping Robinson Road open.

“The modelling only considered a small portion East of Lloyd Street and did not focus on the implications of closing both Robinson Road and Helena Street,” Mr Richards said.

“It also did not take into account the traffic congestion on Clayton Street – we would encourage the State Government to consider our petition and alternative solutions to the road closure.”

The petition will now be referred to the Legislative Council Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs for consideration.
