First week of Parliament wraps-up with our State in limbo

Feb 18, 2022 | David Honey MLA, State News

Dr David Honey MLA, Leader of the WA Liberal Party gave his response to the
Premier’s Statement in Parliament yesterday, taking aim at WA Labor’s poor
management of our State.

Dr Honey said the McGowan Government has done nothing to properly prepare our
State for COVID, instead focusing on their boast to date of “keeping Western
Australians safe”.

“The McGowan reality is a health system failing to cope with regular caseloads and ill
prepared for a COVID surge, out of control violent crime, homelessness at record
rates and vulnerable children not being protected by the State.

“Businesses are struggling due a massive worker shortage exacerbated by the
prolonged border closures and Labor’s constant COVID-rules changes.

“Western Australians deserve better,” said Dr Honey.

Dr Honey said WA Labor is allowing State policy to be driven by opinion polls, rather
than actual expert advice.

He also criticised the Governments lack of State management, with their simple onetrick-
pony border policy being their only major policy agenda.

“We need a Government that is more focused on the needs of the community and
less focused on opinion polls.

“It doesn’t take much skill to close four routes into our State, it takes much more skill
to properly manage the rest of our State.

“The Premier closed the borders, but he let the house burn down,” said Dr Honey.
