The latest Western Australian Police Force Crime Statistics have been released.
The Member for Mining and Pastoral, the Hon Neil Thomson MLC is calling on the State Government to support the valiant efforts of our front-line Police with real engagement by other portfolios and State Government Agencies.
“In my region, things have been tough, suffering through a period of record levels of crime,” said Mr Thomson.
Mr Thomson continued “Crime in many regional areas has traditionally peaked across the summer/wet season, which is acknowledged by the State Government through Operation Heat Shield. This means it is critical to look at year-on-year statistics, not just the headline figures.
“The Kimberley is a good example. Since the McGowan government came to power in March 2017, Year-on-Year (YoY) data shows that Family Assaults are the worst on record in March 2022.
“Of deep concern is the total number of “Offences against Person or Property” in the Kimberley – the catch-all of offences – is the highest March on record since the Labor government took office.
“Assaults on non-family members in March this year increased a massive 41% YoY from when Labor took office in 2017.
“The Pilbara Police District is also suffering with the worst YoY March since the McGowan government came to power.
“Offences Against the Person are the highest on record for March since 2017, along with offences such as Burglary (dwelling and non-dwelling) and Stealing of Motor Vehicles.
“The Goldfields-Esperance Police District data shows Family Assault offences in March 2022 to be the highest March on record for this government, along with Non-Family Assault.
“The Mid-West Police District is not immune with Offences against “Person or Property with YoY for March reaching the highest level since 2017.
“There has been some reprieve, in some locations, for some crimes, thanks to our valiant Police force. But it was reported that up to 25 Police vehicles have been rammed in the Kimberley in recent times. This is completely unacceptable,” said Mr Thomson.
Mr Thomson continued “it is clear that an increased police presence helps, but they cannot do this in isolation from the other portfolios such as Child Protection, Education and Justice.
“The common refrain by Police is they are not babysitters but have to care for very young juveniles who are picked up on the streets late at night where there are no responsible adults, only to find agency support is not available out of business hours.
“We have seen the terrible toll that an inept government has foisted on long suffering regional people and its time now for the McGowan Government to hold Ministers and Government Agencies to account.”