The McGowan Government continues to break ambulance ramping records, highlighting their ongoing failings in managing the health system and failed efforts to arrest the dangerous levels which have skyrocketed since 2017.
“Again we are seeing the McGowan Government record the highest level of ambulance ramping for the month of September in the state’s history,” said Shadow Spokespoerson for Health Libby Mettam.
“The McGowan Government can no longer blame winter, COVID or the previous Liberal National Government given these ramping figures are continuing at such dangerous levels.
“These figures of over 5,835 hours for September are over four times what WA Labor had called a horror story when they were in Opposition.
“It is completely inexcusable that we are also heading for the worst year on record at a time when we are recording a record budget surplus.
“Based on the year to date average ramping figures WA will exceed the ramping record set in 2021 by the end of next month with two months of the year remaining.
“The McGowan Government have also failed to meet the priority 1, 2 or 3 target in either 2021 or 2022 reflecting a hospital system in crisis, putting WA patients’ lives at risk.
“After running down the health system in the first 5 years and blaming everyone else for their mismanagement, it’s clear the McGowan Governmment are continuing to sit on their hands when it comes to addressing this crisis in our hospital system.”