Matt Moran

Matt Moran

Matt Moran Liberal For Bullwinkel FollowFollow Phone0497 700 466 PostalPO Box 51, Kalamunda 6926 Biography I’m Matt Moran, your local Liberal for Bullwinkel. Bullwinkel holds a special place in my heart, and my family has been deeply connected to this community for...
Jan Norberger

Jan Norberger

Jan Norberger Liberal For Pearce FollowFollow Phone0467 425 007 PostalPO Box 212 Wanneroo, WA 6946 Biography Hi, I’m Jan Norberger, your local Liberal for Pearce. My wife Mira and I are raising our family in the northern suburbs because we love the local...
Howard Ong

Howard Ong

Howard Ong LIBERAL FOR TANGNEY FollowFollow Phone0418 392 162 PostalPO Box 15, Bullcreek WA 6149 Biography I’m Howard Ong, your Liberal candidate for Tangney. Growing up in Singapore, I was raised by hardworking parents who taught me the values of personal...
Susanna Panaia

Susanna Panaia

Susanna Panaia Liberal For Perth FollowFollow Phone0415 418 894 PostalPO BOX 155, MT LAWLEY WA 6929 Biography I’m Susanna Panaia, your local Liberal for Perth.  My upbringing was shaped by hardworking parents and grandparents who immigrated from Italy to Australia....
Ben Small

Ben Small

Ben Small Liberal FOr Forrest FollowFollow Phone0478 247 369 PostalPO Box 1570, Bunbury WA 6230 Biography I’m Ben Small, your local Liberal for Forrest. Growing up in Bunbury, I fell in love with the sea, spending my childhood on Koombana Bay. This passion led me to a...
Tom White

Tom White

Tom White Liberal FOr curtin FollowFollow Phone0488 410 685 PostalPO Box 335, Claremont WA 6910 Biography I’m Tom White, your local Liberal for Curtin. Curtin is home. I went to a local school, studied at UWA and even established Uber’s first WA office right here in...