The Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development Dr Steve Thomas has today announced that an elected Liberal Government will invest $12 million from the Royalties for Regions fund so...
Regional Development
Liberals to invest to replace the Boyanup saleyards
The Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development Dr Steve Thomas has today announced that an elected Liberal Government will invest $21 million from the Royalties for Regions fund...
Liberals $100m international diversification plan to protect the future of key WA industries
Zak Kirkup and the Liberals have today announced a bold $100 million International Market Diversification Plan to open up new markets for West Australian industries hit by the COVID-19 pandemic or...
Liberals invest $900 million in WA regional roads safety blitz to save lives
Liberal leader Zak Kirkup has announced a Liberal Government will invest $900 million on a Regional Roads Safety Program which will be completed in four years, focusing on saving lives, creating...
Liberals to upgrade Sandy Cove Wharf and boating facilities
WA Liberal leader Zak Kirkup joined Liberal candidate for Murray-Wellington Michelle Boylan in South Yunderup today to announce a $1 million commitment to upgrading wharf and boating facilities at...