Biju Anthony Liberal For BELMONT FollowFollow Phone0424 185 834 PostalPO Box 442 Belmont, WA 6984 Biography Hi, I’m Biju Anthony, your local Liberal for Belmont. Along with my wife Evelyn and our four children, I share the same hopes and concerns as many...
Mahesh Arumugan Liberal For Thornlie FollowFollow Phone0425 160 181 PostalPO Box 163, Thornlie 6986 Biography Hi, I’m Mahesh Arumugam, your local Liberal for Thornlie. Born and raised in Southern India, where I served in the National Cadet Corps, I learned the...
Rikki Baulch Liberal For Butler FollowFollow Phone0433 659 671 PostalPO Box 421, Two Rocks WA, 6037 Biography Hi, I’m Rikki Baulch, your local Liberal for Butler. I’ve lived in this community for over eight years with my wife, Belinda. It’s been an integral part...
Andra Biondi Liberal For VICTORIA PARK FollowFollow Phone0474 447 791 PostalPO Box 2254, Carlisle North WA 6101 Biography I’m Andra Biondi, your Liberal for Victoria Park. I was born and raised locally, went to school at Holy Name Primary School, and have lived in...
David Bolt Liberal For Murray-Wellington FollowFollow Phone0418 700 573 PostalPO Box 335, Pinjarra WA 6208 Biography I’m David Bolt, your local Liberal for Murray-Wellington. My wife, Bridget, and I raised our family here in our community on farmland where my parents...
Michelle Boylan Liberal For Legislative Council Phone0438 332 212 PostalPO Box 49, West Perth WA 6872 Biography As a South West local, Harvey is where my husband and I have chosen to live, work, and raise our family. We’ve lived in the Southwest for over 20...