Tom Brough

Tom Brough

Tom Brough Liberal For Albany FollowFollow Phone0459 752 805 PostalPO Box 7222, Lower King WA 6330 Biography Hi, I’m Tom Brough, your local Liberal for Albany. My wife and I love this community, and that’s why we’ve chosen to raise our family here....
Aswath Chavittupara

Aswath Chavittupara

Aswath Chavittupara Liberal For Morley FollowFollow Phone0458 068 735 PostalPO Box 198, Morley wa 6943 Biography Hi, I’m Aswath Chavittupara, your local Liberal for Morley. My wife and I love this community, and that’s why we’ve chosen to raise our...
Ka-ren Chew

Ka-ren Chew

Ka-ren Chew Liberal For Legislative Council Phone0423 422 220 PostalPO Box 49, WEST PERTH WA 6872 Biography I’m Ka-ren, born in Malaysia and of Chinese descent. My family and I moved to Perth in 1987. After earning a BA with Honours in Politics from UWA and a...
Chris Dowson

Chris Dowson

Chris Dowson Liberal For The Bicton FollowFollow Phone0438 801 631 PostalPO Box 210, Melville WA 6156 Biography I’m Chris Dowson, your local Liberal for Bicton. Growing up in regional WA, my parents taught me the value of community and hard work, showing me how...
Michael Dudek

Michael Dudek

Michael Dudek Liberal For Joondalup FollowFollow Phone0435 996 147 Postal3/15 Barron Parade, Joondalup WA 6027 Biography Hi, I’m Michael Dudek, your local Liberal for Joondalup.  Growing up in Perth’s northern suburbs as one of nine children, I learned the...
Brunetta Di Russo

Brunetta Di Russo

Brunetta Di Russo Liberal For Cockburn FollowFollow Phone0419 819 247 PostalPO Box 3475, Success WA 6964 Biography Hi, I’m Brunetta Di Russo, your local Liberal for Cockburn. I love everything about this community. From its stunning beaches to its vibrant...