Gabi Ghasseb Liberal For Legislative Council Phone0400 202 537 PostalPO Box 49, West Perth WA 6872 Biography I’m Gabi Ghasseb, Liberal candidate for the Legislative Council, based in the South West regional city of Bunbury. As a husband, father, local businessman, and...
Bruce Henderson Liberal For Cannington FollowFollow Phone0403 484 278 PostalPO Box 94, Parkwood WA 6147 Biography I’m Bruce Henderson, your local Liberal for Cannington. Growing up here instilled in me a deep appreciation for our community and its values. The...
Michelle Hofmann Liberal For Legislative Council PostalPO Box 49, WEST PERTH WA 6872 Biography As a wife, mum, and small business owner, I understand the economic, work-life balance, and safety challenges facing West Australian families, as well as the need for...
Adam Hort Liberal For Kalamunda FollowFollow Phone0497 366 473 PostalPO Box 3122, Lesmurdie WA 6076 Biography I’m Adam Hort, your local Liberal for Kalamunda. Living in the Perth Hills is something truly special. My wife, Chanelle, and I were both raised here, and we...
Jonathan Huston Liberal For Nedlands FollowFollow Phone0451 660 419 PostalPO Box 741, Nedlands WA 6909 Biography I’m Jonathan Huston, your local Liberal for Nedlands. I grew up in a family of eight, rooted in a diverse community heritage. Our family blend of urban and...
Kathryn Jackson Liberal For Legislative Council PostalPO Box 49, WEST PERTH WA 6872 Biography I’m Kathryn Jackson, and I’m proud to call Geraldton home. As a businesswoman, mother of two, and an experienced town planner, I am deeply connected to our...