Mark Jones Liberal For Secret Harbour FollowFollow Phone0410 844 880 PostalPO Box 7025, Secret Harbour WA 6173 Biography I’m Mark Jones, your local Liberal for Secret Harbour. The new State electorate includes Port Kennedy, Golden Bay, Karnup, Singleton, Madora Bay...
Amanda Kailis Liberal For Pilbara FollowFollow Phone0467 261 306 PostalPO Box 116, Exmouth WA 6707 Biography I am proud of my lifelong connection with the Pilbara. This region has been a huge part of my family’s story, which is why I am determined to give something...
Amanda-Sue Markham Liberal For Legislative Council Phone0415 503 085 PostalPO Box 49, West Perth WA 6872 Biography I’m Amanda-Sue Markham. Beyond my career, my greatest achievement has been raising my four children, now aged 22 to 28, with my husband of thirty years....
Damien Kelly Liberal For Scarborough FollowFollow Phone0423 131 744 PostalPO Box 393, Scarborough WA 6922 Biography I’m Damien Kelly, your local Liberal for Scarborough. My wife Danni and I love this community. It’s where I grew up, and why we’ve chosen to raise our...
Tait Marston Liberal For OAKFORD FollowFollow Phone0418 576 378 PostalPO Box 4007, Harrisdale WA 6112 Biography Hi, I’m Tait Marston, your local Liberal for Oakford. My family moved to Wandi nearly 40 years ago. It’s where I grew up, and now, together with...
Dylan Mbano Liberal For Baldivis FollowFollow Phone0473 057 686 PostalPO Box 4447, Baldivis WA 6171 Biography Hi, I’m Dylan Mbano, your local Liberal for Baldivis. Baldivis is my home, and I’m passionate about making our community even better. I’m the marketing...