Anthony Spagnolo Liberal For Legislative Council Phone0493 853 741 PostalPO Box 11, Darlington, WA 6070 Biography Anthony is a candidate for the Western Australian Legislative Council at the 2025 State election. He is a former Senior Budget Adviser to the Australian...
Amanda Spencer-Teo Liberal FOr Riverton FollowFollow Phone0438 499 505 PostalPO Box 2072, Rossmoyne WA 6148 Biography I’m Amanda Spencer-Teo, your local Liberal for Riverton. This wonderful community is where my Singaporean-born husband Wayne and I have chosen to...
Liam Staltari Liberal FOr Carine FollowFollow Phone0498 003 751 PostalPO Box 71, DUNCRAIG EAST WA 6923 Biography I’m Liam Staltari, your local Liberal for Carine. My wife Liz and I live locally in Duncraig and love everything about our coastal community. I am...
Randall Starling Liberal For Legislative Council Phone0476 187 890 PostalPO Box 560, GERALDTON WA 6531 Biography As a lifelong Geraldton local, I grew up amidst family businesses in fishing and aquaculture. After finishing school, I spent three years in retail before...
Michelle Sutherland Liberal For Mount Lawley FollowFollow Phone0436 968 228 PostalPO Box 155, Mt Lawley WA 6929 Biography Hi, I’m Michelle Sutherland, your local Liberal for Mount Lawley. It is an honour to be your Liberal candidate for Mount Lawley. My parents,...
George Tilbury Liberal For Forrestfield FollowFollow Phone0456 929 315 PostalPO Box 10, Forrestfield WA 6058 Biography I’m George Tilbury, your local Liberal for Forrestfield. Our community is a fantastic place to live, work and raise a family. The unique country...