The report today that there may be a need to spend millions on hiring diesel generators is more evidence of the complete failure of Minister Bill Johnston to ensure that WA has a reliable...
David Honey MLA
Yesterday’s outages prove WA Labor still can’t keep the lights on
Only days after the State Government admitted depleted coal reserves will result in coal imports to WA as well as a text message campaign that will alert power users to decrease power at peak...
Another energy bungle under WA Labor
WA Liberal Leader and Shadow Energy Minister, David Honey MLA, has said that Energy Minister Bill Johnston’s ‘Summer Readiness’ campaign is a clear admission from the McGowan Government that they...
Opposition pressure achieves regional power fairness
Regional West Australian’s pleas for equitable access to the energy supply may soon be answered after relentless pressure placed on the McGowan Labor Government by the Opposition. Member for Roe...
Police Minister uses cherry-picked statistics while police officers go on strike
Police Minister Paul Papalia today used carefully handpicked statistics when asked by WA Liberal Leader, David Honey MLA, on the net decrease of WA Police Officers, to avoid facing his own...
Proposed ban by Labor flounders on floor of Parliament
The Opposition’s calls for the McGowan Government to review its policy to ban demersal fishing for nine months of the year has hit the floor of Parliament today, with Labor’s failure to heed advice...
Collie Power Station shutdown highlights need for compensation payment reform
The news that the Collie Power Station would be closed from mid-September to January 2023 brings serious concerns for power supply to WA’s electrical grid system, said WA Liberal Leader and Shadow...
New COVID legislation is just State of Emergency by another name
The Opposition has continued their call for the State of Emergency to end, as the McGowan Labor Government’s rushed legislation entrenches the same powers for another two years. Opposition Leader...
No need for further increases in Western Power charges
The Economic Regulation Authority’s draft decision on Western Power’s plans for the next five years has some welcome proposals. The increased capital expenditure proposed in the review should be...