The Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council Dr Steve Thomas says that nearly all of the Labor Government’s Upper House MPs have failed their constituents by failing to even speak on the...
Steve Thomas MLC
McGowan Government COVID recovery plan only partly delivered
The Shadow Treasurer Dr Steve Thomas says that the Auditor General’s report released today on the McGowan Government’s COVID recovery program raises serious concerns about how the Government has...
Labor Invented Factions
There has been much discussion lately on the control of political parties by internal factional groups and cliques of mutual benefit, and great concern has been expressed. Frankly, I thought we were...
Western Australia’s monster budget surplus grows again
The Shadow Treasurer Dr Steve Thomas says that the 2020-21 Annual Report on State Finances released today has highlighted the massive cash income the McGowan Government has received, which was...
Proof at last that Royalties for Regions has become a Labor plaything
The Shadow Treasurer Dr Steve Thomas says that the 2022-21 budget papers released two weeks ago have proven once and for all that the Labor Party is happy to use the Royalties for Regions fund as...
Iron Correction was Correctly Predicted by the Opposition
The Shadow Treasurer Dr Steve Thomas said today that the current iron ore price declines were utterly predictable, as he in fact predicted in published articles back as far as April this year. The...
Annual reports should be on time if possible
The Shadow Treasurer Dr Steve Thomas has raised concerns about the number of annual reports that have had their public release delayed this year. “The Premier/Treasurer has today advised Parliament...
House of Review to lose solid foundations by Labor’s move to limit scrutiny
The Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council Dr Steve Thomas has highlighted the Labor Government’s contempt for due process in the State’s Upper House by using their numbers of members...
At last, the budget battle lines are drawn
The Shadow Treasurer Dr Steve Thomas says that today’s pre-budget media drop by the Premier and Treasurer Mark McGowan is an example of the Government’s spin machine in action and has pinpointed...