The Cook Labor Government’s $5,000 cash splash to entice owners of vacant houses to rent out their properties is another band-aid measure from a government out of ideas. Shadow Housing Minister...
Steve Martin MLC
Latest Cook Labor Government housing support scheme too little too late
The Cook Labor Government’s latest reaction to the State’s unprecedented housing crisis is yetagain too little too late, according to Shadow Minister for Housing Steve Martin. Mr Martin said while...
No new houses in Cook Labor Government’s latest housing crisis announcement
The Cook Labor Government’s latest plan to ease Western Australia’s unprecedented housing crisis isseriously flawed in that it adds not one new house to the State’s housing stock, according to...
Cook Labor Government hires more heads instead of building more houses
The Cook Labor Government has announced its answer to the worst housing crisis to hit Western Australia in decades is to hire another $200,000-a year bureaucrat. Labor’s newest initiative is to...
Cook Labor Government reheats failed apartment policy
The Cook Labor Government went out with all the fanfare of a marching band today to announce its stamp duty concession policy to encourage Western Australians to buy high-rise apartments had...
Cook Labor Government’s Urban Connect scheme a massive failure
Figures obtained today by Shadow Housing Minister Steve Martin reveal the Cook Labor Government’s much-touted Urban Connect Loan Scheme has been an abject failure. Halfway through the two-year...
Opposition calls on Government to review priority housing waitlist process
The State Opposition is calling for the Government to review the priority housing waitlist process after reports today of the deaths of two baby boys within weeks of each other while their families...
Opposition backs forestry industry in calling out Labor betrayal
Shadow Forestry Minister Steve Martin is calling on the Cook Government to honour existing timber supply contracts and for the Forestry Minister Jackie Jarvis to urgently meet with the industry to...
Housing crisis worsens with another builder collapse while Labor focussed on itself
WA’s housing crisis is continuing to cause great hardship for many Western Australian families, with the news of yet another builder collapse further impacting the industry. Concerns from WA’s...