Today I would like to offer my most heartfelt thanks to my colleague The Hon. Donna FaragherMLC for her work and service to the Parliament and people of Western Australia over the pastalmost 20...
Libby Mettam MLA
Future of Kwinana refinery and 800 jobs rest with Cook Labor Government
Alcoa's announcement that it will fully curtail operations at its Kwinana alumina refinery is an indictment on the Cook Labor Government, according to WA Liberal Leader Libby Mettam. Ms Mettam said...
Cook Labor Government must intervene to stop closure of Alcoa’s Kwinana refinery
Reports suggesting Alcoa is poised to close its Kwinana alumina refinery are alarming and demandimmediate action by the Cook Labor Government, according to WA Liberal Leader Libby Mettam. “To have...
Cook Labor Government setting WA up for power blackouts and soaring energy costs
The Cook Labor Government must do more to help bring new gas supplies on stream to head off the major shortages forecast in the Australian Energy Market Operator's latest report. Liberal leader...
Cook Cabinet reshuffle demonstrates union control and offers no solutions
The Cook Labor Government Cabinet reshuffle offers no hope for Western Australians wanting better health care, help with cost of living, or a house to live in. Liberal Leader Libby Mettam said the...
Victory for people power as controversial Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act is repealed
Following months of tireless persistence from communities across the state, Western Australia is waking up to the news that the Governor is set to repeal the Cook Labor Government's botched...
Government follows WA Liberal lead to double down on GPS tracking of violent offenders
The Cook Labor Government’s announcement that it will adopt the WA Liberal policy to expand the numberof GPS tracking bracelets for serious offenders who breach a violence restraining order is a...
Cook Labor Government neglect of Mental Health Advocacy Service an unfolding tragedy
Cook Labor Government neglect of Mental Health Advocacy Service an unfolding tragedyThe Cook Labor Government’s wilful underfunding of the state’s Mental Health AdvocacyService points to a...
Community safety compromised again by Cook Labor Government’s ongoing failure in law and order
The Cook Labor Government’s failure to put community safety ahead of the freedom of violent offenders points to a government that has its priorities wrong. It follows revelations the violent...