Federal Team and Senators
Federal Team
Andrew Hastie MP
Shadow Minister for Defence
Member for Canning
Phone: (08) 9534 8044
Nola Marino MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Education
Member for Forrest
Phone: (08) 9721 3788
Melissa Price MP
Member for Durack
Phone: (08) 9964 2195
Rick Wilson MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Trade
Member for O’Connor
Phone: (08) 9021 2044
Felicia Adeniyi
Liberal for Cowan
Phone: 0478 896 024
Sean Ayres
Liberal for Burt
Phone: 0460 798 839
Vince Connelly
Liberal for Moore
Phone: 0447 620 102
Mic Fels
Liberal for Swan
Phone: 0437 381 672
David Goode
Liberal for Hasluck
Phone: 0424 594 803
Claire Moody
Liberal for Brand
Phone: 0434 096 169
Matt Moran
Liberal for Bullwinkel
Phone: 0497 700 466
Jan Norberger
Liberal for Pearce
Phone: 0467 425 007
Howard Ong
Liberal for Tangney
Phone: 0418 392 162
Susanna Panaia
Liberal for Perth
Phone: 0415 418 894
Ben Small
Liberal for Forrest
Phone: 0478 247 369
Tom White
Liberal for Curtin
Phone: 0488 410 685
Senator Slade Brockman
Senator for Western Australia
Phone: (08) 6245 3305
Senator Michaelia Cash
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
(Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate)
Senator for Western Australia
Phone: (08) 9226 2000
Senator Matt O’Sullivan
Senator for Western Australia
Phone: (08) 9226 5387
Senator Linda Reynolds
Senator for Western Australia
Phone: (08) 9477 5411
Senator Dean Smith
Shadow Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury
Senator for Western Australia
Phone: (08) 9343 4108
Trish Botha
Phone: 0406 856 459
Jennifer Mathews
Phone: 0438 670 411