It is an absolute indictment on both the McGowan and Albanese Governments that a business case for the urgently needed WA Comprehensive Cancer Centre will not be complete until March next year.

Shadow Attorney-General and Senator for Western Australia Michaelia Cash today condemned both Governments and called on them to expedite the business case and get on with building this much needed facility.

“It is a disgrace that the McGowan Government can’t get this business case completed much sooner and a further disgrace that the Albanese Government thinks that this timeframe is acceptable,’’ Senator Cash said.

“Where are the voices of the WA Federal Labor Members and Senators on this? Why aren’t they standing up for Western Australia and demanding that things move more swiftly?’’ she said.

“Their only Cabinet Minister Madeleine King should be making the case around the Cabinet table. And what about Patrick Gorman, the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, why isn’t he demanding the Prime Minister act?’’ she said.

“It’s further proof that the Mr Albanese doesn’t care about Western Australia and that the WA Labor team have limited impact in the decision-making process in Canberra,’’ Senator Cash said.

Senator Cash said half of the $750 million required to build the centre was committed by the former Coalition Government in the April 2022 Budget.

“That money was committed after the WA Federal Liberal team backed the project and successfully secured the funding through the Cabinet Budget process. We stood up for Western Australia and delivered that funding,’’ she said.

The Coalition funded the Centre because it was an opportunity to radically change the cancer journey for people in Western Australia living with cancer now and into the future.

Other States in Australia have their own large comprehensive cancer centres, for example the Peter McCallum Cancer Centre in Victoria and the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse in NSW.

The reason this centre is so needed is that it will ensure that the cancer journey for each person is significantly enhanced.

“After the McGowan Government’s disastrous performance in health care over a long period it seems they have learnt nothing,’’ Senator Cash said.

“This centre is something that is urgently needed in Western Australia and they should get on with it,’’ she said.
