Thank you for your letter in relation to the position of Durack Division on Party reform. I know that the issue is complex and that your…
Memo Comments
Submission 4 – Letter from Perth Division
Thank you for both facilitating the Perth reform workshop and for your letter summarising the feedback. It is indeed refreshing to see such a robust consultation…
Submission 3 – Letter from Swan Division
Thank you for your letter dated 31 January 2022 in which you referred to the workshop held at Swan Divisional Coucil meeting on 7 December 2021…
Submission 2 – Louis Comer
I thank you for the opportunity to provide a submission on preselection reform, please kindly accept my remarks…
Submission 1 – Name Witheld
Firstly, Richard – you are to be commended for tackling the underlying problem of not just the selection process for Liberal Party candidates…