Liberal Party of Western Australia
Our Team
Merome Beard MLA
Shadow Minister for Disability Services;
Shadow Minister for Heritage;
Member for North West Central
Phone: (08) 9941 2999
Hon Donna Faragher MLC
Shadow Minister for Community Services;
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education;
Shadow Minister for Seniors and Ageing;
Shadow Minister for Youth;
Member for East Metropolitan Region
Phone: (08) 9379 0840
Hon Nick Goiran MLC
Shadow Attorney-General;
Shadow Minister for Child Protection;
Member for South Metropolitan Region
Phone: (08) 9398 3800
The Latest
WA Liberals Will Streamline Environmental Approvals to Unleash Investment
A WA Liberal Government will streamline the environmental approvals process to get the State Government out of the way, and let industry do what it does best: innovate for the future and create...
Cook Government Budget cuts regional health spending to keep Metronet on track
Ageing and inadequate health infrastructure and reduced medical services will remain a fact of life for Western Australians living in the regions after funding promises from the Cook Labor...
Cook Government chasing its tail with band-aid housing solutions
The Cook Labor Government’s $5,000 cash splash to entice owners of vacant houses to rent out their properties is another band-aid measure from a government out of ideas. Shadow Housing Minister...
Record-breaking petition shows need for further consultation
With more than 32,000 Western Australians having signed a petition expressing concerns about provisions within the Cook Government’s Firearms Bill as well as the lack of public consultation, Shadow...
WA Liberals will ban harmful gender treatments for children
A Western Australian Liberal Government will ban the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone treatments and surgical intervention for children under the age of 16 for the purpose of gender...
Minister dismisses CCC warning on approval risks
The Cook Labor Government has ignored concerns that its changes to planning laws will open the door to corruption. David Honey MLA said Corruption and Crime Commissioner John McKechnie had been...