Senator the Hon
Michaelia Cash
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
(Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate)

(08) 9226 2000
PO Box 1966, West Perth WA 6872
Senator Cash was elected to the Senate as a Liberal Senator for Western Australia in 2007. She commenced her term on 1 July 2008. She was re-elected as a Senator for Western Australia in 2013, 2016 and 2022.
Since entering public life Michaelia has held a number of Ministerial appointments. Michaelia was appointed to the Cabinet as the Minister for Employment; the Minister for Women and the Minister Assisting the Prime Minster for the Public Service on 21 September 2015. On 20 December 2017, Senator Cash was appointed the Minister for Jobs and Innovation. From 28 August 2018 to 29 March 2021, Senator Cash was the Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business. On 29 March 2021, Senator Cash was appointed Attorney-General as well as the Minister for Industrial Relations. Michaelia was also the Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate. She held these positions until 23 May 2022.
From 18 September 2013 to 21 September 2015 she was the Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection and the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Status of Women.
In September 2012, she was appointed Deputy Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate.
In September 2010, she was appointed to the dual roles of the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Status of Women.
Prior to entering Parliament, Senator Cash was a senior lawyer at law firm Freehills (now Herbert Smith Freehills) practicing employment and industrial law.
Senator Cash holds an Honours Degree in Law from the University of London and a Bachelor of Arts (Social Science) from Curtin University in Perth, graduating with a triple major in public relations, politics and journalism. In addition, she holds a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the University of Western Australia.
See Michaelia’s speeches to Parliament here: