A Harvey Liberal Government will commit $500 million to a dedicated maternity and gynecological hospital that will build on the outstanding legacy of King Edward Memorial Hospital.
The Liberals are also announcing an additional $60 million for a new Maternal and Child Health Research Fund. Liberal Leader Liza Harvey and Shadow Health Minister Zak Kirkup accused the McGowan Labor Government of shirking on a promise to rebuild the renowned Subiaco hospital.
“King Eddies is one of WA’s most loved institutions, which is why we are delighted to allocate $500 million towards a replacement for it in the QEII medical precinct as part of the Liberals’ Five-Year COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan,” Ms Harvey said.
“Unlike this Labor Government, we will not turn our backs on the mums and bubs of WA who have for generations put their trust in this wonderful hospital and its dedicated staff.
“We will continue the Liberals’ long and proud history of building hospitals to ensure all West Australians enjoy the best health care in the world.”
Last year, Labor announced that it would devote 65% of the sale of the TAB and redirect $230 million from a BHP royalty settlement towards replacing the ageing Bagot Road building.
But in March this year, Labor quietly redirected the BHP payment to the State’s COVID-19 response and then fell silent on its commitment to the much-needed facility. The TAB sale has languished under Labor, so the proceeds from any proposed sale are now unavailable.
“That’s typical of the way this government does business, but it’s not the way we do it,” Mr Kirkup said.
“Both Perth Children’s Hospital and Fiona Stanley Hospital, two wonderful and world-class institutions, commenced under the previous Liberal government.
“We believe WA deserves a world-class tertiary, maternity and gynecological hospital that offers the highest standards of care. Families right across this State deserve no less.”