Dr David Honey joins families separated by the border at ‘Morning of Mourning’ rally

Feb 7, 2022 | David Honey MLA, State News

Leader of the WA Liberals and Member for Cottesloe, Dr David Honey MLA, today met with
separated families due to the States hard border on the day we were originally promised to

The rally, organised by the Facebook group, ‘Parents are Immediate Family’, is both a time
of mourning and a call to the State Government to set a new reopening date, or ease
restrictions for immediate family members to travel into WA from overseas.

Dr Honey said while it’s great to see people coming out to support each other through a
time of grief, this event should never have had to go ahead in the first place.

“For two years Western Australians did the hard yards, followed every rule, restriction and
direction the State Government laid out.

“Unfortunately, however, the Premier failed in every aspect to prepare our State efficiently.
“Two years mostly COVID-free in our incredibly prosperous State, he had all the luck in the
world and none of the wits.

“Because his faith in his own Government’s preparedness faltered, Western Australians
suffered,” said Dr Honey.

Dr Honey called on the Premier to consider the human implications of a sustained hard

“Even with the new eased restrictions the rules still won’t allow exemptions for situations like
parents who are overseas. Instead, they will need to fly into another state before entering

“The illogical nature of this is absurd, making people stop in another state will only increase
the risk of them catching COVID before entering WA.

“I ask the Premier to stop playing to the polls and make a human decision, these people and
many others need one,” said Dr Honey.
