Approval of fifty-one storey development in South Perth raises questions about JDAP process

Oct 5, 2023 | Neil Thomson MLC, State News

A decision by the Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) to approve the 51-storey C6 development in South Perth has raised questions about the effectiveness of the State Design Review Panel (SDRP) which previously knocked the project back.

“The SDRP report clearly stated the C6 development did not meet the State’s requirements for design excellence and requested modifications to meet the current standard,” Mr Thomson said.

“The City of South Perth has been an advocate for higher density development, so this is not a case of the local government dragging the chain on approvals, it is the council wanting high-rise to meet the minimum mandated standard for design.

“These standards are developed to protect the long-term interests of the community.”

Mr Thomson said the innovative construction method, which would make C6 the tallest building of its kind in the world, and its sustainability benefits would be overshadowed if the building was substandard.

“City of South Perth planners report expressed concern about the project based on numerous criteria,” he said.

“The engineering report provided by the developer indicated the tower was expected sway up to 34.5cm during a 1:25 year wind event, remaining just within the Australian standards.

“A new approach, which may lead to more construction of this type, should have rigorous scrutiny and all risks fully explored and addressed in line with the standards.”

Mr Thomson said in a Liberal-led Government he would be pushing for a review into the effectiveness of the JDAP approval process to ensure appropriate professional advice and existing standards were adequately considered in its deliberations.

“We are seeing a pattern with the Cook Labor Government simply over-riding local planning schemes rather than investing the time and resources to ensure fit-for-purpose outcomes,” he said.
