Shadow Minister for Child Protection Nick Goiran has called for an independent inquiry to be established following the revelation during parliamentary question time that perpetrators of child sexual abuse continue to be permitted to attend the same public school as their victim.
“We have a duty to stop for a moment and imagine how horrendous it must be to be a survivor of child sexual abuse and be required to attend school every single day alongside your attacker,” Mr Goiran said.
“The issue was first uncovered after dogged questioning over the government’s response to Operation Fledermaus, which investigated rampant child sexual abuse in the Pilbara and resulted in dozens of arrests and the government’s commitment to protect children in the region.
“Yet despite repeated questioning since 2018, and a unanimously supported motion in the Legislative Council being passed in September 2019 acknowledging the need to ensure that no further harm is caused to victims by ongoing contact with alleged perpetrators, the number has increased.
“There are a number of significant matters that demand a response from government to which they have consistently evaded. However the chief question remains: why does the Labor Government continue to allow perpetrators of child sexual abuse to attend school with their victims?”
Fast facts
Raised in the 40th Parliament of Western Australia on:
• 11 August 2020 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 18 February 2020 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 11 February 2020 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 25 September 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC – Motion on notice
• 5 June 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 14 May 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 9 May 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 7 May 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 11 April 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 10 April 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 9 April 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 2 April 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 13 March 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 20 February 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 12 February 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 5 December 2018 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 4 December 2018 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 28 November 2018 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 27 November 2018 by Mrs Alyssa Hayden MLA
• 22 November 2018 by Mrs Alyssa Hayden MLA
• 22 November 2018 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC
• 14 November 2018 by Hon Nick Goiran MLC – Annual Report Hearings
Question in Parliament
Question Without Notice No. 727 asked in the Legislative Council on 11 August 2020 by Hon Nick Goiran Minister responding: Hon S.M. Ellery
727. Hon NICK GOIRAN to the Minister for Education and Training:
This question was originally sent to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Child Protection, but I think it may have been redirected to her as Minister for Education and Training.
I refer to question without notice 5, in which it was stated that at the start of the school year, six alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse were attending the same public school as their victims.
(1) How many of the six are still at school with their victims?
(2) What is the total number of alleged and/or convicted offenders attending the same school as their victims?
Hon SUE ELLERY replied:
I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.
(1) There are five alleged perpetrators.
(2) As at 11 August 2020, there were seven.