Liberals visionary plan to take WA forward with the biggest jobs and renewable energy export project in the nation

Zak Kirkup and the Liberals have unveiled a visionary plan to build the biggest jobs, renewable energy and export project in the nation, which will lay the foundation for the next 50 years of Western Australian jobs, economic activity and prosperity. 

Partnering with industry, which has been calling for an energy plan that generates hundreds of thousands of jobs and helps Western Australia confront the challenges of the future, this ground-breaking project will future-proof WA’s energy network, deliver fuel security, and deliver cheaper energy to businesses and households. 

“What comes next for WA, after COVID-19, when we start to build back?” Liberal Leader Zak Kirkup said. 

“We need a jobs plan to take WA forward. The Liberals New Energy Jobs Plan is the biggest jobs plan for WA in generations and will lead us forward into a post-COVID recovery. 

“It’s a mega-project, building the largest renewable energy project in Australia’s history, with wind, solar and large-scale batteries that will transform Western Australia’s energy system for the next 50-years and give WA fuel security and energy independence.” 

Importantly, the Liberals’ New Energy Jobs Plan will deliver net zero emissions for the WA Government by 2030, an important milestone on Australia’s path of zero emissions by 2050. 

“I want to make it perfectly clear that this will not impact the private sector. This is about the State Government’s emissions and leading by example,” Mr Kirkup said.

“Our plan will assist companies transition to green exports and independent clean energy operations – if they choose.” 

The Liberals’ New Energy Jobs Plan will: 

  1. Create thousands of long-term jobs by powering new, clean WA manufacturing industries. 
  2. Diversify our economy with new green manufacturing – if we can dig it up, we can manufacture it. 
  3. Rebuild WA’s energy network with renewables and natural gas. 
  4. Deliver cheaper power bills to homes and business. 
  5. Make State Government zero emissions by 2030. 

“The Liberals had the vision and foresight to deliver the North West Shelf Project that has delivered hundreds of thousands of jobs in the last fifty years and underwritten Western Australia’s prosperity for decades,” Mr Kirkup said. 

“Just like we did with the North West Shelf Project, the Liberals have a vision to take WA forward and construct the next generation of new energy jobs and prosperity for Western Australia. 

“The Liberals New Energy Jobs Plan will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, bring back manufacturing to WA, deliver cheaper power bills and diversify our economy. 

“The Liberals New Energy Jobs Plan will also invest $100 million in a real plan to transition workers in the coal industry into long-term, secure jobs and provide them with financial security as the coal industry is progressively wound down in Western Australia. 

“This mega-project will provide a meaningful contribution to reaching the global ambition of a clean energy future. 

“It’s a truly game-changing project that puts WA at the epicentre of New Energy Jobs. With the Liberals New Energy Jobs Plan – we will take WA forward, together.” 

Mr Kirkup said the project was expected to attract $16 billion worth of public and private capital investment over the coming decade, with a contribution from the State Government of $400 million. 

“We have the chance to show some leadership. If we don’t act now we will be left behind,” he said. 

“Imagine if WA missed the boat with the North West Shelf or were too slow to open up the Pilbara to iron ore exploration. 

“Andrew Forrest, a great Western Australian, has been strong in his support of a move to green hydrogen. Last month he said: ‘The green hydrogen market could generate revenues, at the very least, of $US12 trillion by 2050 – bigger than any industry we have now. … if we get this right, the impact could be nothing short of nation-building’.” 

Mr Kirkup said while the Liberals’ policy would deliver net zero emissions for the State Government by 2030, it also focused on jobs growth and cutting the cost of living. 

“What is exciting about this plan is that it will not only deliver net zero emissions, but it will also create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, build new industries and cut the cost of power for business and consumers,” he said. 

The $400 million direct investment by the State Government will be more than offset by the 

$5 billion the Liberals will save by not proceeding with Labor’s plan to build the Cockburn Sound Outer Harbour, a project that will destroy the natural marine environment and local jobs at Fremantle Port. 

Key elements of the New Energy Jobs Plan:

  • Build a 1500 MW solar and wind energy project in the Mid West to power Perth, the South West, Wheatbelt and Kalgoorlie. 
  • In conjunction with the private sector, construct a further 4500MW of wind and solar energy by 2030 to convert water into over 250,000 tonnes of clean, green and safe hydrogen for export per year and to power a new green steel industry. 
  • Underpin our goal of 200,000 new jobs over the next five years and generate the next 50 years of jobs and prosperity. 
  • Cut power bills for households and businesses by partnering with industry to build the Mid-West Energy Hub, which will deliver cheaper, cleaner energy for WA. 
  • Diversify the economy by powering new export industries. 
  • Guarantee fuel security for WA by assisting the economy transition to fuel sources produced in WA. 
  • Invest $100 million in the Collie Training and Transition Fund to assist the existing workforce transition into secure long-term jobs as State Government coal-fired power stations are phased out, reducing Synergy’s greenhouse gas emissions by 84 per cent. 
  • Invest $50 million in the Zero Emissions Taskforce to oversee the implementation of the project. 
  • Invest $100 million in the International Market Diversification Fund to assist these new industries open up international markets. 
  • Invest $100 million in the Industry Attraction Fund to attract companies to WA to develop these priority industries. This fund can also provide land grants, tax rebates and other government assistance. The highest priority will be given to Collie. 
  • Invest $50 million in the Critical and Strategic Manufacturing Fund to incentivise industries deemed essential to the WA economy. In addition to items such as personal protective equipment, projects that assist in delivering fuel security and independence or processing critical minerals will be eligible. 