More than a month after floods hit the Kimberley, raw sewage is still flowing into the
Martuwarra – Fitzroy River.
Shadow Environment Minister Neil Thomson said McGowan Government Water Minister
Simone McGurk had promised to fix the problem weeks ago but had to date done nothing.
“This delay in repairs would not have been tolerated if this was raw sewage spewing into the
Swan or Canning Rivers,” Mr Thomson said.
“It has now been almost three weeks since the Minister stood in front of the problem and said
the matter would be dealt with within a week.
“I understand the massive challenges of the north at the present time, but the casual attitude
toward raw sewage spewing into such an important waterway is symptomatic of the broader
malaise across the McGowan Government when dealing with urgent matters in the regions.
“This is an urgent health and safety issue and needs to be dealt with now using every resource
“It’s clear the Premier’s recent reshuffle of poor performing ministers, like Minister McGurk,
has done nothing other than spread the incompetency around.”