Planning Vandalism Damages Western Suburbs Liveability

Dec 8, 2021 | Neil Thomson MLC, State News

“The current irresponsible rush to density in inner metropolitan areas creates the real risk of eroding liveability for current and future residents,” said the Hon Neil Thomson, Shadow Minister for Planning Lands and Heritage.

Minister Saffioti last month rejected scheme Amendment 7 which would have lowered the nominated height limit on much of the Nedlands side of Broadway.

The Subiaco Post reported on the 4th December that the written decision stated that the down-coding was “premature” and “without objective consideration of ‘perceived problems’ with high density zonings”.

“In 2019 the Planning Minister’s press release stated that infill targets will be addressed with well-designed higher densities permitted around transport corridors and activity centres,” said Mr Thomson.

“It is notable that the words ‘well planned’ were not included in that 2019 press release,” He continued “Good planning ensures that consideration of all key issues including access to parks, shops, schools and the impact on our road traffic network are considered to cater for any proposed population growth.”

“We all recognise that our population is growing, but we need a sophisticated approach to integrating new development into existing residential areas.”

“Growth is not just about providing buildings for people to sleep in, we must also focus on delivering liveable neighbourhoods for all residents.”

“There should be a net benefit from improved amenity rather than driving existing owners to consider selling their homes.”

“This is yet another example of the arrogance of this government and the complete failure to address the concerns of the community.”
