Premier Is Playing Russian Roulette With Western Australia Lives As Covid Vaccine Time Bomb Predicted To Explode

Dec 13, 2021 | David Honey MLA, State News

With the Premier poised to announce very shortly the timetable for the easing of border restrictions once Western Australia reaches an 80 per cent double dose COVID vaccination rate, his government has negligently failed to put in place any public health campaign to alert thousands of Western Australians who now need a third life-saving COVID vaccination according to Dr David Honey, WA Liberal Leader.

“Governments internationally are now strongly urging their citizens to have a third COVID vaccination as overseas experience shows that vaccine efficacy diminishes within six months.

“This means that over the coming weeks many hundreds of thousands of Western Australians will have reduced protection against COVID as they pass this 6-month double dose threshold.

“As of today 12 December 2021, over 80,000 Western Australian’s have passed this six-month threshold. This will figure surge to more than 150,000 by 1 January, next year, 220,000 by mid-January and over 350,000 by 1 February next year when border restrictions are predicted to ease.

“Apart from a media statement announcing third vaccine booster doses would be available from 1 November 2021, no further meaningful communication has been put in place by the State Government to encourage Western Australians to have this potentially lifesaving third vaccine.

“We are now sitting on a COVID vaccine timebomb that will explode unless these people are actively encouraged to have a third vaccine over the coming weeks.
