Following a meeting of the WA Liberal Party Room today, Basil Zempilas has been elected WA Liberal Leader. Libby Mettam has been elected Deputy Liberal Leader. Both Mr Zempilas and Ms Mettam were elected unopposed.
“I am honoured and humbled to have today been elected to lead the Western Australia Liberal Party,” said Mr Zempilas.
“Over the past two years, Libby Mettam has been an outstanding leader for our party, and she has consistently been supported by Steve Martin as Deputy.
“I want to thank both Libby and Steve for their tireless work – and it is a great outcome for our party that Libby will continue to play a pivotal role as Deputy Leader.
“Her experience and tenacity will be important, especially for the new members of the Liberal Parliamentary team.”
Mr Zempilas said the focus now needed to shift to listening to West Australians and holding WA Labor to account.
“Our first priority is listening to West Australians from all over the State, including those in the regions, who have been ignored and attacked by WA Labor.
“We will listen to young people, older West Australians, families, and people in small business.
“And on behalf of all those West Australians, I will lead an energetic, invigorated team, who will hold WA Labor to account on the issues that matter to them.
“Our team is committed to ensuring WA Labor make decisions to benefit all West Australians and are held accountable for any inaction.”
This commitment to holding Labor accountable was about delivering better outcomes and guaranteeing the future West Australians deserve, Mr Zempilas said.
“Every day, we will work to make WA Labor a better Government.
“We will not allow four more years of failures in delivering quality health services, accessible housing, and reliable, affordable electricity.
“WA’s future cannot be compromised by promises made to union mates, and it cannot be compromised by frivolous pet projects, like a speedway, which waste taxpayers’ money, and don’t benefit the lives of West Australians.
The refreshed WA Liberal team will be an effective, and disciplined opposition, according to Mr Zempilas.
“We will examine, probe, and scrutinise, and we will demand ‘gold standard’ transparency and accountability from WA Labor.
“But we will also be constructive and offer commonsense, alternative solutions where it’s appropriate.
“Clearly, the election result has demanded a reset of the Liberal Party in WA – and that starts with a new parliamentary team who are committed and ready for the challenge.
“Over the next four years, the WA Liberal Team will prove to West Australians we are a credible alternative government, with the vision and capability to drive our state forward.
“The road to 2029 starts now.”